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Restrictions on Chip Exports to China

Restrictions on Chip Exports to China. The United States (US) warned China of its plans to update rules limiting shipments of AI chips and chip making tools to China, as early as early October 2023. This was stated by a US official, namely a policy decision aimed at maintaining relations between the two superpowers.

The US Department of Commerce, which oversees export controls, is working on updates to the export restrictions, which were first issued last year.

The update aims to restrict access to more chip manufacturing, in line with new regulations from the Netherlands and Japan, to close some loopholes in export restrictions on artificial intelligence or AI chips.

US officials themselves provided information to their Chinese counterparts in recent weeks, and declined to reveal details about specific conversations.

Restrictions on Chip Exports to China. The impending US regulations could hit ASML, the world’s leading chip equipment maker and the Netherlands’ largest company, because its systems contain US parts and components.

Additionally, it is not unusual for the US to modify proposals before enacting regulations. Therefore, both restrictions and timing are also subject to change.


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